Browse Facet: study name
- Burkina Faso Compact - BRIGHT II (10)
- Burkina Faso Threshold - BRIGHT I (7)
- Côte d'Ivoire Compact - Secondary Education (2)
- Ghana Compact - Community Services - Education (9)
- Morocco Compact - Functional Literacy and Vocational Education (10)
- Morocco Employability and Land Compact - Secondary Education (3)
- Morocco Employability and Land Compact - Workforce Development (2)
- Namibia Compact - Community Skills and Development Center (13)
- Namibia Compact - Improving the Quality of General Education and Access to Textbooks (7)
- Namibia Compact - National Training Fund (11)
- Namibia Compact - Regional Study and Resource Center (12)
- Namibia Compact - Vocational Training Grant Fund (20)
- Niger Threshold - IMAGINE (8)
- Niger Threshold - NECS (30)