Browse Facet: study name
- Albania Threshold - Thresholds I & II (7)
- Armenia Compact - Irrigation Infrastructure (12)
- Armenia Compact - Rural Road Rehabilitation (9)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Credit (9)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Farmer Training (11)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Institutional Strengthening (10)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Post-Harvest Processing (8)
- Benin Compact - Access to Financial Services (8)
- Benin Compact - Access to Justice (7)
- Benin Compact - Access to Land - Rural (12)
- Benin Compact - Access to Land - Rural + Urban (4)
- Benin Compact - Access to Markets (6)
- Benin Power Compact - Electricity Generation and Distribution (9)
- Benin Power Compact - Off-Grid Energy Access (6)
- Benin Power Compact - Power Sector Policy and Institutional Reform (4)
- Burkina Faso Compact - Access to Rural Finance (7)
- Burkina Faso Compact - BRIGHT II (10)
- Burkina Faso Compact - Diversified Agriculture and Water Management (22)
- Burkina Faso Compact - Roads (6)
- Burkina Faso Compact - Rural Land Governance (17)
- Burkina Faso Threshold - BRIGHT I (7)
- Cabo Verde Compact - Port (7)
- Cabo Verde Compact - Private Sector Development (3)
- Cabo Verde Compact - Roads and Bridges (7)
- Cabo Verde Compact - Watershed Management and Agriculture Support (8)
- Cabo Verde Compact II - Land Management for Investment (9)
- Cabo Verde Compact II - WASH and Land Management for Investment Project Survey (4)
- Cabo Verde Compact II - Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (13)
- Côte d'Ivoire Compact - Secondary Education (2)
- El Salvador Compact - Community Services- Water and Sanitation (11)
- El Salvador Compact - Connectivity (HDM-4) (12)
- El Salvador Compact - Connectivity (Impact) (10)
- El Salvador Compact - Formal Technical Education (16)
- El Salvador Compact - Investment Support and Financial Services (11)
- El Salvador Compact - Non-Formal Skills Development (13)
- El Salvador Compact - Production and Business Services (21)
- El Salvador Compact - Rural Electrification (10)
- El Salvador Compact - Rural Electrification - Solar Panels (7)
- El Salvador Investment Compact - Improving Quality of General Education (15)
- El Salvador Investment Compact - Investment Climate (8)
- El Salvador Investment Compact - Logistical Infrastructure (3)
- El Salvador Investment Compact - TVET System Reform (9)
- Georgia Compact - Agribusiness Development (6)
- Georgia Compact - Energy Rehabilitation (2)
- Georgia Compact - Georgia Regional Development Fund (6)
- Georgia Compact - Regional Infrastructure Development (8)
- Georgia Compact - Samtskhe-Javakheti Roads (8)
- Georgia Compact II - Improving General Education Quality (18)
- Georgia Compact II - Industry-Led Skills and Workforce Development (TVET) (13)
- Georgia Compact II - STEM Higher Education (11)
- Ghana Compact - Agriculture - Commercial Training (8)
- Ghana Compact - Agriculture - Credit (5)
- Ghana Compact - Agriculture - Irrigation (13)
- Ghana Compact - Agriculture - Land Tenure (13)
- Ghana Compact - Agriculture - Post-Harvest (17)
- Ghana Compact - Community Services - Education (9)
- Ghana Compact - Community Services - WASH (12)
- Ghana Compact - Feeder Roads (7)
- Ghana Compact - Financial Services (7)
- Ghana Compact - Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS) (6)
- Ghana Compact - Transportation (10)
- Ghana Power Compact - Access to Electricity (4)
- Ghana Power Compact - ECG Financial and Operational Turnaround (EFOT) (6)
- Ghana Power Compact - Energy Efficiency and Demand-side Management (6)
- Ghana Power Compact - Line Bifurcation (13)
- Ghana Power Compact - Regulatory Strengthening (8)
- Guatemala Threshold - Education (13)
- Guatemala Threshold - Improving Customs (9)
- Guatemala Threshold - Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) (6)
- Guatemala Threshold - TVET (6)
- Honduras Compact - Agricultural Public Goods Grant Facility (3)
- Honduras Compact - Farmer Training and Development (13)
- Honduras Compact - Transportation and Farm to Market Roads (17)
- Honduras Threshold - Public Financial Management (15)
- Indonesia Compact - Community-Based Health and Nutrition (22)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Cocoa Grant Portfolio (17)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Community-Based Off-Grid Renewable Energy Grant Portfolio (23)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Grant Facility (11)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: On Grid Renewable Energy Grant Portfolio (8)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Participatory Land Use Planning (18)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Peatland Grant Portfolio (8)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Social Forestry Grant Portfolio (4)
- Indonesia Compact - Procurement Modernization (13)
- Indonesia Proposed Compact - Vendor Survey (3)
- Indonesia Threshold - Reducing Public Corruption (3)
- Jordan Compact - Water Infrastructure (19)
- Jordan Compact - Water Smart Homes (11)
- Kosovo Threshold - Labor Force & Time Use Survey (4)
- Kosovo Threshold - Reliable Energy Landscape Project (RELP) (3)
- Kosovo Threshold - Transparent and Accountable Governance (TAG) (2)
- Lesotho Compact - Enterprise Survey (5)
- Lesotho Compact - Health Care Centers and ART Clinic Infrastructure (7)
- Lesotho Compact - Health Facility Survey (3)
- Lesotho Compact - Health Sector (12)
- Lesotho Compact - Land Administration Reform (1) (4)
- Lesotho Compact - Land Administration Reform (2) (13)
- Lesotho Compact - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (10)
- Lesotho Compact - Urban & Peri-Urban Water, and Metolong Dam (11)
- Lesotho Compact - Urban and Peri-Urban Water (5)
- Liberia Compact - Mt. Coffee and Capacity Building and Sector Reform (13)
- Liberia Compact - Roads (9)
- Liberia Compact - Utility Technicians Training Center (7)
- Liberia Compact - Water Pipeline (8)
- Malawi Compact - Conservation Agriculture (6)
- Malawi Compact - Environment and Natural Resources Management (19)
- Malawi Compact - Infrastructure Development (15)
- Malawi Compact - Power Sector Reform (14)
- Malawi Threshold - Anticorruption and Governance (2)
- Mali Compact - Alatona Irrigation (17)
- Mali Compact - Alatona Irrigation- Desk Review (4)
- Mali Compact - Bamako-Senou Airport Improvement (4)
- Moldova Compact - Road Rehabilitation (12)
- Moldova Compact - Transition to High Value Agriculture (18)
- Moldova Compact - Value Chain Training (8)
- Mongolia Compact - Energy and Environment - Stove subsidy only (16)
- Mongolia Compact - Health (6)
- Mongolia Compact - Property Rights - Land Registration System (13)
- Mongolia Compact - Property Rights - Peri-Urban Rangeland Leasing (23)
- Mongolia Compact - Property Rights - Special Hashaa Plot (10)
- Mongolia Compact - Roads (10)
- Mongolia Compact - Vocational Education (10)
- Mongolia Compact - Vocational Education - Equipment Upgrades (11)
- Mongolia Water Supply (2)
- Morocco Compact - Artisan and Fez Medina (7)
- Morocco Compact - Enterprise Support-SME (10)
- Morocco Compact - Financial Services (7)
- Morocco Compact - Fruit Tree Productivity (18)
- Morocco Compact - Fruit Tree Productivity - Rain-fed Trees Rehabilitation (10)
- Morocco Compact - Functional Literacy and Vocational Education (10)
- Morocco Compact - Irrigation Survey (3)
- Morocco Compact - Small-Scale Fisheries (Final) (14)
- Morocco Compact - Small-Scale Fisheries (Interim) (7)
- Morocco Employability and Land Compact - Industrial Land (2)
- Morocco Employability and Land Compact - Land Productivity Project (4)
- Morocco Employability and Land Compact - Secondary Education (3)
- Morocco Employability and Land Compact - Workforce Development (2)
- Mozambique Compact - Community Land Use Fund (2)
- Mozambique Compact - Farmer Income Support (8)
- Mozambique Compact - Land Administration Capacity Building (5)
- Mozambique Compact - Land Tenure Regularization - Rural and Urban (15)
- Mozambique Compact - Road Rehabilitation & Construction (12)
- Mozambique Compact - Rural Water Supply (14)
- Mozambique Compact - Urban Water (7)
- Namibia Compact - Communal Land Support (11)
- Namibia Compact - Community Skills and Development Center (13)
- Namibia Compact - Community-Based Rangeland & Livestock Management (18)
- Namibia Compact - Conservancy Support (11)
- Namibia Compact - Etosha National Park (9)
- Namibia Compact - Improving the Quality of General Education and Access to Textbooks (7)
- Namibia Compact - Indigenous Natural Products (9)
- Namibia Compact - Livestock (6)
- Namibia Compact - National Training Fund (11)
- Namibia Compact - Regional Study and Resource Center (12)
- Namibia Compact - Tourism Marketing (9)
- Namibia Compact - Vocational Training Grant Fund (20)
- Nepal Compact - Willingness to Pay for Electricity (5)
- Nicaragua Compact - Farming and Forestry (2)
- Nicaragua Compact - ProNicaragua (2)
- Nicaragua Compact - Property Regularization (2)
- Nicaragua Compact - Rice and Banana Farmers (9)
- Nicaragua Compact - Rural Business Development Services (16)
- Nicaragua Compact - Transportation (12)
- Niger Compact - Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA) (3)
- Niger Compact - Irrigation and Market Access (4)
- Niger Compact - Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support (PRAPS) (3)
- Niger Compact - Roads for Market Access (4)
- Niger Threshold - IMAGINE (8)
- Niger Threshold - NECS (30)
- Philippines Compact - KALAHI-CIDSS Community Development Grants (27)
- Philippines Compact - Revenue Administration Reform (8)
- Philippines Compact - Road (4)
- Rwanda Threshold - Strengthening Justice and Promoting Political Rights (7)
- Senegal Compact - Irrigation and Water Resource Management (25)
- Senegal Compact - Roads (7)
- Senegal Compact - Roads (2012) (8)
- Senegal Power Compact - Enabling Environment and Capacity Development Project (3)
- Senegal Power Compact - Increasing Access to Electricity in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas (1)
- Senegal Roads - Final Evaluation Brief (1)
- Sierra Leone Compact - Willingness to Pay for Electricity (10)
- Sierra Leone Threshold - Electricity Sector Reform (5)
- Sierra Leone Threshold - Water Sector Reform (20)
- São Tomé and Príncipe Threshold - Business Environment and Tax Reform (2)
- Tanzania Compact - Kigoma Solar (11)
- Tanzania Compact - Mafia Island Airport (6)
- Tanzania Compact - Mainland Trunk and Zanzibar Rural Roads (11)
- Tanzania Compact - Transmission and Distribution (21)
- Tanzania Compact - Transport Sector (10)
- Tanzania Compact - Water Supply & Expansion (20)
- Tanzania Compact - Zanzibar Interconnector (11)
- Tanzania Threshold - Governance and Anticorruption (4)
- Timor-Leste Threshold - Fostering Transparency Initiative (2)
- Tunisia Proposed Compact - Enterprise Survey (3)
- Vanuatu Compact - Efate Ring & Santo East Coast Road (5)
- Zambia Compact - Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation, and Drainage - Infrastructure Activity (1)
- Zambia Compact - Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation, and Drainage Project - Infrastructure Activity (6)
- Zambia Compact - Innovation Grant Facility (9)
- Zambia Compact - Innovation Grant- MECB Grantee (8)
- Zambia Compact - Innovation Grant- Zambian Breweries Grantee (10)
- Zambia Compact - Water Supply, Sanitation, and Drainage (21)
- Zambia Compact - Water, Sanitation and Drainage Infrastructure (1)
- Zambia Threshold - Governance and Business Environment (7)