Browse Facet: study name
- Albania Threshold - Thresholds I & II (7)
- Armenia Compact - Irrigation Infrastructure (12)
- Armenia Compact - Rural Road Rehabilitation (9)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Credit (9)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Farmer Training (11)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Institutional Strengthening (10)
- Armenia Compact - Water to Market Post-Harvest Processing (8)
- Georgia Compact - Agribusiness Development (6)
- Georgia Compact - Energy Rehabilitation (2)
- Georgia Compact - Georgia Regional Development Fund (6)
- Georgia Compact - Regional Infrastructure Development (8)
- Georgia Compact - Samtskhe-Javakheti Roads (8)
- Georgia Compact II - Improving General Education Quality (18)
- Georgia Compact II - Industry-Led Skills and Workforce Development (TVET) (13)
- Georgia Compact II - STEM Higher Education (11)
- Indonesia Compact - Community-Based Health and Nutrition (22)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Cocoa Grant Portfolio (17)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Community-Based Off-Grid Renewable Energy Grant Portfolio (23)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Grant Facility (11)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: On Grid Renewable Energy Grant Portfolio (8)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Participatory Land Use Planning (18)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Peatland Grant Portfolio (8)
- Indonesia Compact - Green Prosperity: Social Forestry Grant Portfolio (4)
- Indonesia Compact - Procurement Modernization (13)
- Indonesia Threshold - Reducing Public Corruption (3)
- Kosovo Threshold - Reliable Energy Landscape Project (RELP) (3)
- Kosovo Threshold - Transparent and Accountable Governance (TAG) (2)
- Moldova Compact - Road Rehabilitation (12)
- Moldova Compact - Transition to High Value Agriculture (18)
- Moldova Compact - Value Chain Training (8)
- Mongolia Compact - Energy and Environment - Stove subsidy only (16)
- Mongolia Compact - Health (6)
- Mongolia Compact - Property Rights - Land Registration System (13)
- Mongolia Compact - Property Rights - Peri-Urban Rangeland Leasing (23)
- Mongolia Compact - Property Rights - Special Hashaa Plot (10)
- Mongolia Compact - Roads (10)
- Mongolia Compact - Vocational Education (10)
- Mongolia Compact - Vocational Education - Equipment Upgrades (11)
- Mongolia Water Supply (2)
- Philippines Compact - KALAHI-CIDSS Community Development Grants (27)
- Philippines Compact - Revenue Administration Reform (8)
- Philippines Compact - Road (4)
- Timor-Leste Threshold - Fostering Transparency Initiative (2)
- Vanuatu Compact - Efate Ring & Santo East Coast Road (5)