Kosovo Threshold - Transparent and Accountable Governance (TAG) Mathematica |
Georgia Compact II - Industry-Led Skills and Workforce Development (TVET) Mathematica |
Benin Compact - Access to Land - Rural + Urban NORC at the University of Chicago |
Malawi Compact - Conservation Agriculture University of New South Wales |
Malawi Threshold - Anticorruption and Governance Erin Thébault-Weiser |
Cabo Verde Compact II - WASH and Land Management for Investment Project Survey National Institute of Statistics, Cabo Verde |
Zambia Threshold - Governance and Business Environment Erin Thébault-Weiser |
Tanzania Compact - Kigoma Solar Mathematica |
São Tomé and Príncipe Threshold - Business Environment and Tax Reform DUCA |
Lesotho Compact - Enterprise Survey National University of Lesotho |
El Salvador Compact - Rural Electrification Social Impact |
Mozambique Compact - Community Land Use Fund Effective Development Group |
Cabo Verde Compact - Watershed Management and Agriculture Support A2F Consulting |
Lesotho Compact - Health Facility Survey ICON Institut |
Nepal Compact - Willingness to Pay for Electricity CPCS/WSP/Econoler |
Morocco Compact - Irrigation Survey Agriconsulting Maroc |
Benin Power Compact - Electricity Generation and Distribution Mathematica |
Georgia Compact II - STEM Higher Education Rand Corporation |
Niger Compact - Roads for Market Access International Development Group |
Ghana Power Compact - Access to Electricity Mathematica |