Search Results
Energy (1)
Africa (X)
Climate Resilience, Resource Management, and Research (X)
Independent Evaluation (X)
Impact (3)
Performance (8)
Filters applied:
Independent Evaluation
Climate Resilience, Resource Management, and Research
Showing 1-9 of 9 results.
Title/Investigator |
Namibia Compact - Community-Based Rangeland & Livestock Management Innovations Poverty Action (IPA) |
Niger Compact - Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA) Social Impact |
Morocco Compact - Small-Scale Fisheries (Final) Mathematica |
Morocco Compact - Small-Scale Fisheries (Interim) IOS |
Niger Compact - Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support (PRAPS) A2F Consulting |
Cabo Verde Compact - Watershed Management and Agriculture Support A2F Consulting |
Malawi Compact - Environment and Natural Resources Management Mathematica |
Namibia Compact - Indigenous Natural Products NORC at the University of Chicago |
Senegal Compact - Irrigation and Water Resource Management Mathematica |