Tanzania Compact - Water Supply & Expansion: Final Questionnaire - 2015 Social Impact | 2019-05-06 |
Cabo Verde Compact II - Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: Interim Questionnaire Mathematica | 2022-02-09 |
Jordan Compact - Water Infrastructure: Interim Questionnaire Social Impact | 2022-02-10 |
Malawi Compact - Environment and Natural Resources Management: Interim Questionnaires Mathematica | 2020-04-16 |
Burkina Faso Compact - Diversified Agriculture and Water Management: Interim Questionnaire Mathematica | 2022-02-09 |
Burkina Faso Compact - Rural Land Governance: Interim Questionnaire Cloudburst | 2022-02-09 |
Lesotho Compact - Urban and Peri-Urban Water: Interim Questionnaire NORC at the University of Chicago | 2012-01-01 |
Liberia Compact - Mt. Coffee and Capacity Building and Sector Reform: Interim Questionnaire Mathematica | 2022-02-10 |
Ghana Compact - Agriculture - Land Tenure: Interim Questionnaire World Bank | 2022-02-10 |
Namibia Compact - Communal Land Support: Interim Questionnaire NORC at the University of Chicago | 2022-02-10 |
Mali Compact - Alatona Irrigation: Interim Questionnaire - Household Male Innovations Poverty Action (IPA) | 2022-02-09 |
Mali Compact - Alatona Irrigation: Interim Questionnaire - Household Female Innovations Poverty Action (IPA) | 2022-02-09 |
Namibia Compact - Conservancy Support: Interim Questionnaire NORC at the University of Chicago | 2015-06-01 |
Senegal Compact - Irrigation and Water Resource Management: Interim Questionnaire Mathematica | 2022-02-10 |
Senegal Compact - Irrigation and Water Resource Management: Interim Questionnaire Mathematica | 2022-02-10 |
Benin Compact - Access to Land - Rural: Interim Questionnaire World Bank | 2022-02-09 |
Zambia Compact - Water Supply, Sanitation, and Drainage: Interim Discussion Guides Mathematica | 2019-05-01 |
Namibia Compact - Indigenous Natural Products: Interim Questionnaire NORC at the University of Chicago | 2022-02-10 |
Morocco Compact - Functional Literacy and Vocational Education: Interim Questionnaire TACC | 2022-02-09 |